Hannah’s Haven: The Sanctuary of a Wise Elder and Her Holistic Remedy for Anxiety

by | Personal Growth & Empowerment

ONCE UPON A TIME, in a serene village encircled by rolling hills and a silvery, flowing river, there lived a wise older woman named Hannah.  Hannah was revered for her compassion, deep wisdom, calming presence, and people often sought her counsel for their troubles.  Her quaint cottage, adorned with fragrant herbs, surrounded by vibrant flowers, and filled with shelves of books and smelled of the scent of home, was a sanctuary of peace and the perfect place to go for clarity and insight.

One warm breezy day, a young woman named Alice came to Hannah, her eyes filled with worry and her heart heavy with anxiety.  Alince’s mind was constantly plagued by anxious thoughts, which kept her from enjoying life and finding peace.  She yearned for relief from her relentless worry and the tightening grips of anxiety.

Hannah welcomed Alice into her home warmly, offering her a seat by the hearth and a cup of soothing lavender tea.  Alice sank into an overstuffed chair and accepted the tea.  She immediately felt calmer and felt a sense of gratitude. 

Aften listening to Alice’s concerns, Hannah smiled gently and said, “It must be difficult to go through the suffering you are feeling.”  Hannah patted Alice’s hand, and her eyes reflected pure understanding, empathy, and caring for Alice’s plight.  Hannah continued, “I once knew a young woman named Rowena who struggled with anxiety much like you do.  Would you like to hear her story?”

Alina nodded, hoping to find solace and guidance in Hannah’s tale.

Hannah began, “Rowena was a bright and capable young woman, but her mind was constantly troubled by fear and worry that she lacked control over everything and everyone in her life.  She worried about the future, about what others thought about her, about being judged by others and she judged herself, always worried about doing the wrong thing.  Her habit of worrying was like a dark storm cloud, following her everywhere she went, casting a shadow over, what felt like, every aspect of her life.”  Alice settled more deeply into her chair and covered herself with a warm inviting throw that had been thrown over the back of the chair.  The tea and the fireplace provided comfort inside and out, and Hannah’s voice and her story brought peace and comfort, and Alice began feeling understood and heard.

Hannah continued.  “One day, feeling overwhelmed, Rowena came to me seeking help and I could see the burden she carried.  I shared with her the story of the Enchanted Garden.”

“In a land not far from here”, I began, “there was a magical garden known for its healing properties.  This garden was tended by a wise old gardener named Thelma.  People from all around came to the garden to find peace and relief from their troubles as Thelma grew beautiful and fragrant, special flowers.”

“Thelma had a way of helping those who were anxious and using her special flowers, she taught them the Five Petals of Calm, each representing a different way to overcome anxiety.  Rowena listened intently as I explained each petal.”

“The first petal is Breathing.  Thelma showed visitors various breathing techniques.  She taught them to slow their breathing by taking deep, slow breaths, inhaling through their nose and exhaling through their mouth.  She showed them physiological breathing by taking two quick gulps of air through their nose and exhaling slowly through their mouth.  She taught them four-squared breathing, alternative nostril breathing, and many other techniques until they found the one right for themselves.

This simple act of awareness of their Breathing helped to calm their racing hearts and minds and helped them get grounded.”

Alice became aware of her own breathing and found herself breathing deeply not realizing that in her anxiousness her breathing had become quick and shallow. She was able to feel herself relax further. Hannah went on with her story.

“The second petal is Grounding.  Thelma encouraged people to focus on their senses:  the feel of the earth beneath their feet, the sound of the wind in the trees, the scent of the flowers.  She taught them the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, Yoga Nidra, progressive relaxation, and many other ways to become present and aware of the here and now to ground themselves.

This helped them stay present and connected to the moment.”

Alice’s thoughts went to the beauty of the trees and the smell of the earth and flowers. She was able to see how focusing on these things would change her focus and take her mind off of her troubles.

“The third petal is Acceptance.  Thelma taught that it was important to accept their feelings of anxiety without judgment.  She explained acceptance, mindfulness, and commitment to values-based living help dissolve resistance and worked with them to identify their values and priorities.

Instead of fighting or fearing their anxiety, they learned to acknowledge it and let it pass like a cloud drifting across the sky or leaves floating down a moving stream.  This helped them stay present and engaged in life, even during difficult times, thoughts, and emotions.”

Alice thought of a stream at a park near her home. It was a short walk from where she parked and through the woods to the stream and she often felt peace there but had not been to the park for quite some time. The fresh air, the smell of the woods surrounding the stream, the sound of the moving water, the feel of the fallen log she often sat on; Alice felt herself nearly at that stream now and could hear the amazing sounds of the birds and feel the touch of the cool water on her hands and feet.

“The fourth petal is Self-Compassion.  Thelma reminded visitors to be kind to themselves, to speak gently to their inner Self, and to treat themselves with the same kindness they would offer a friend or child.  Thelma helped them identify with their true authentic Self, which is who we are when we are born before influences of situations and beliefs touched their lives.  She taught each person to connect with their compassion, courage, creativity, connection with others, clarity, sense of calm, and heightened their curiosity.”

“This helped them increase their resilience, self-esteem, and tap into their inner knowledge with confidence that they could cope with situations and problem solve with self-confidence.

“The fifth and final petal is Action.  Thelma encouraged people to take small, manageable steps towards their goals, even when they felt anxious.  She taught them to make their goals specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, time-oriented, and with each step, no matter how small, she showed them how these steps would build confidence, resilience, and reduced anxiety over time.”

Hannah finished the story, “Rowena took these teachings to heart.  She practiced deep breathing when she felt overwhelmed, grounding herself in the present moment, she learned to accept her anxiety without judgment and to speak kindly to herself.  And most importantly, she began taking small steps towards her goals, slowly but surely building her confidence.  In time, Rowena’s anxiety lessened, the storm clouds that had followed her began to dissipate, and they were replaced by a calm and peace.  She discovered that the Enchanted Garden’s wisdom was within her all along, and she could access it whenever she needed to.”

Alice felt like she had been entranced and as Hannah’s story ended, clarity washed over her and a light went on in her mind as to how she could clearly apply the wisdom of the Enchanted Garden to her own life. 

She sat forward placing her empty cup on a nearby table and looked at Hannah her eyes bright with optimism and gratitude.  She told Hannah, “I know I can practice the Five Petals.”  Alice knew she could build resilience and peace and work her way out of the clenches of anxiety and the habit of fear-based thinking. 

The weight in her heart began to lift.  Alice thanked Hannah for her wisdom, generosity, and hospitality.  Days turned into weeks and Alice’s life transformed.  She found joy in the present moment, compassion for herself and others, and the courage to pursue her dreams.  The teachings of Hannah became a guiding light, helping her navigate life’s challenges with grace and a sense of peace.

Let Alice’s story, inspired by the wisdom of the Enchanted Garden, become a beacon of hope for you if you are seeking to overcome anxiety.  Let your success be a testament to the power of inner peace and self-compassion as well.  You already have everything you need within you!