Identify Your Thinking Errors

When facing a setback or failure, I immediately think:

  1. It’s a temporary setback, and I can learn from it.
  2. I always fail; I’ll never succeed.

If someone disagrees with me, I tend to believe:

  1. They have a different perspective, and that’s okay.
  2. They’re against me, and I must be wrong.

When things don’t go as planned, I often:

  1. Adjust my plans and find an alternative solution.
  2. Feel overwhelmed and think everything is falling apart.

If I make a mistake, my first thought is:

  1. Mistakes happen; I’ll do better next time.
  2. I’m a failure, and I’ll never get it right.

In challenging situations, I tend to focus on:

  1. The aspects I can control and influence.
  2. The worst-case scenario and what could go wrong.

When receiving constructive criticism, I usually:

  1. Appreciate the feedback and consider how to improve.
  2. Feel attacked and defensive, thinking they don’t understand.

If someone doesn’t respond to my message, I often assume:

  1. They’re busy or haven’t seen it yet.
  2. They’re avoiding me or upset with me.

In uncertain situations, I tend to:

  1. Stay calm and assess the available information.
  2. Imagine the worst possible outcomes and panic.

When facing a new challenge, I think:

  1. It’s an opportunity to learn and grow.
  2. I’ll probably fail; I’m not capable.

If I receive praise, my initial thought is:

  1. I appreciate the recognition; it motivates me.
  2. They’re just being nice; I don’t deserve it.
  • Count the number of a) and b) answers.
  • The dominant type (a, or b) represents your tendencies in thinking patterns.


This quiz is a tool for self-awareness and may help identify common cognitive distortions. Seeking professional advice is recommended for a more comprehensive understanding of thinking errors.

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