Weekly Review & Planning

Week 11:  Weekly Review and Planning

  • Reflecting on the week
  • Setting goals for the next week
  • Reflecting on the 12-week journey
  • Creating a personalized action plan
  • Celebrating achievements
  • Making a commitment to maintain balance

Only one week left after this lesson.  Here are your last assignments for this course:

  1. Reflect on the week behind you.  What can you do more or less of?  What have you done great and what needs improvement?
  2. Make sure you are reviewing your goals daily and weekly and making a plan for the following week.  Are you crossing off items you have accomplished, putting tasks on your calendars, setting your phone to create and manage time?
  3. Reflect on the time you have spent on this journey.  What have you noticed about yourself and your goals and dreams?  Spend 10 minutes visualizing, writing, making a list, or otherwise reflecting on what you have learned about yourself and your ability that you might not have thought you had when starting this endeavour.
  4. Celebrate your achievements!  Buy yourself a coffee, share your accomplishments and successes with others, even recommend this course to others if you believe it made a difference in your world. 
  5. And finally, make a commitment to maintain balance in your life and spend your time doing what you want to do and on what is important to you in order to live a life you have designed.  Sign the contract in Exercise 11: